/ / Eliminar queryKey de hashHistory react-router-redux - reactjs, redux, reaccion-router, reaccion-redux, reaccion-router-redux

Elimine queryKey de hashHistory react-router-redux - reactjs, redux, react-router, reaccion-redux, reaccion-router-redux

He encontrado varios lugares que dicen para configurar queryKey: false, pero no puedo encontrar dónde configurar eso con los paquetes específicos que estoy usando. Aquí está mi configuración actual:

import { hashHistory } from "react-router"
import { syncHistoryWithStore } from "react-router-redux"
import createStore from "./store/createStore"

const store = createStore(initialState, hashHistory)
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(hashHistory, store, {
selectLocationState: (state) => state.router


3 para la respuesta № 1

ejemplo con {queryKey: false}

import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from "redux"
import { Provider } from "react-redux"
import reducers from "<project-path>/reducers"

import { createHashHistory } from "history"
import { Router, Route, useRouterHistory } from "react-router"

import { syncHistoryWithStore, routerReducer,routerMiddleware, push } from "react-router-redux"

// Apply the middleware to the store
const reduxRouterMiddleware = routerMiddleware(browserHistory)

const store = createStore(
routing: routerReducer
//set { queryKey: false }
const appHashHistory = useRouterHistory(createHashHistory)({ queryKey: false })

// Create an enhanced history that syncs navigation events with the store
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(appHashHistory, store)

<Provider store={store}>
{ /* Tell the Router to use our enhanced history */ }
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="foo" component={Foo}/>
<Route path="bar" component={Bar}/>