/ / Il progetto OpenGL ritorna con riferimenti non definiti - c ++, windows, opengl

Il progetto OpenGL ritorna con riferimenti non definiti - c ++, windows, opengl

Sto seguendo un tutorial per OpenGL da questo luogo. Ho scaricato e installato (si speracorrettamente) le librerie OpenGL utilizzate. (GLEW, GLFW, GLM). Tuttavia, quando compilo il codice dal sito, trovo molti errori con riferimenti indefiniti.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <GL/glew.h>

#include <GL/glfw.h>

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
using namespace glm;

int main( void )
// Initialize GLFW
if( !glfwInit() )
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFWn" );
return -1;

glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES, 4);

// Open a window and create its OpenGL context
if( !glfwOpenWindow( 1024, 768, 0,0,0,0, 32,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window. If you have an Intel GPU, they are not 3.3 compatible. Try the 2.1 version of the tutorials.n" );
return -1;

// Initialize GLEW
if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEWn");
return -1;

glfwSetWindowTitle( "Playground" );

// Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below
glfwEnable( GLFW_STICKY_KEYS );

// Dark blue background
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f);

// Draw nothing, see you in tutorial 2 !

// Swap buffers

} // Check if the ESC key was pressed or the window was closed
while( glfwGetKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC ) != GLFW_PRESS &&
glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED ) );

// Close OpenGL window and terminate GLFW

return 0;


"make" -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/Users/jared/Documents/NetBeansProjects/opengl_1"
"make"  -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows/opengl_1.exe
make[2]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/Users/jared/Documents/NetBeansProjects/opengl_1"
mkdir -p dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows
g++.exe     -o dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows/opengl_1 build/Debug/MinGW-Windows/main.o
build/Debug/MinGW-Windows/main.o: In function `main":
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:21: undefined reference to `glfwInit"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:27: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindowHint"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:28: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindowHint"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:29: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindowHint"
nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk:62: recipe for target `dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows/opengl_1.exe" failed
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:30: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindowHint"
make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Users/jared/Documents/NetBeansProjects/opengl_1"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:31: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindowHint"
nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk:59: recipe for target `.build-conf" failed
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to `glfwOpenWindow"
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Users/jared/Documents/NetBeansProjects/opengl_1"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:37: undefined reference to `glfwTerminate"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:42: undefined reference to `_imp__glewInit@0"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:47: undefined reference to `glfwSetWindowTitle"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:50: undefined reference to `glfwEnable"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:53: undefined reference to `glClearColor@16"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:59: undefined reference to `glfwSwapBuffers"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:62: undefined reference to `glfwGetKey"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:63: undefined reference to `glfwGetWindowParam"
C:UsersjaredDocumentsNetBeansProjectsopengl_1/main.cpp:66: undefined reference to `glfwTerminate"
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows/opengl_1.exe] Error 1
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 875ms)

Nota: sto usando Netbeans (con plugin C ++) come IDE.


2 per risposta № 1

Rileggendo l'output del makefile, vedo che in realtà non si collega alle librerie GL. È necessario modificare le impostazioni del progetto per includere le librerie.