/ / MySQL join duplicados com a instrução IF - mysql, join

MySQL junta duplicatas com instrução IF - mysql, join

mysql> describe holidays;
| Field   | Type        |
| hid     | int(11)     |
| name    | varchar(32) |
| date    | date        |
| enabled | int(1)      |


mysql> describe locations;
| Field    | Type         |
| lid      | int(11)      |
| code     | char(2)      |
| location | varchar(255) |
| enabled  | int(1)       |

mysql> describe holidays_locations;
| Field | Type    |
| hid   | int(11) |
| lid   | int(11) |

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT timesheet.tid, timesheet.uid, timesheet.date, timesheet.location,
IF (timesheet.date = holidays.date AND timesheet.location = holidays.lid, 1, 0) AS is_holiday
FROM (`timesheet`)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT holidays.name AS holiday, locations.location as location, holidays.date AS date, locations.lid AS lid
FROM holidays_locations
INNER JOIN holidays ON holidays_locations.hid = holidays.hid
INNER JOIN locations ON holidays_locations.lid = locations.lid) AS holidays ON holidays.date = timesheet.date
WHERE `uid` =  "12"
AND `timesheet`.`date` >= "2012-05-16"
AND `timesheet`.`date` <= "2012-05-31"
ORDER BY date;

| tid  | uid | date       | location | is_holiday |
| 2962 |  12 | 2012-05-18 | 5        |          0 |
| 3163 |  12 | 2012-05-21 | 9        |          1 |
| 3163 |  12 | 2012-05-21 | 9        |          0 |
| 3162 |  12 | 2012-05-21 | 5        |          0 |

Minha pergunta é: como faço essa consulta sem a entrada "3163" duplicada? A seguir, é o que estou esperando.

| tid  | uid | date       | location | is_holiday |
| 2962 |  12 | 2012-05-18 | 5        |          0 |
| 3163 |  12 | 2012-05-21 | 9        |          1 |
| 3162 |  12 | 2012-05-21 | 5        |          0 |


2 para resposta № 1

Você pode eliminar o is_holiday = 0 com um MAX() agregado, agrupando por todas as outras colunas em seu SELECT Lista.

DISTINCT timesheet.tid,
/* MAX aggregate will take only the 1, not 0 */
MAX(IF (timesheet.date = holidays.date AND timesheet.location = holidays.lid, 1, 0)) AS is_holiday
FROM (`timesheet`)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT holidays.name AS holiday, locations.location as location, holidays.date AS date, locations.lid AS lid
FROM holidays_locations
INNER JOIN holidays ON holidays_locations.hid = holidays.hid
INNER JOIN locations ON holidays_locations.lid = locations.lid) AS holidays ON holidays.date = timesheet.date
WHERE `uid` =  "12"
AND `timesheet`.`date` >= "2012-05-16"
AND `timesheet`.`date` <= "2012-05-31"
/* And GROUP BY all other selected columns */
ORDER BY date;