/ / Wanderlust / Emacs - Filter - Format des Strings / seit: X # ofDays /% Posteingang - Emacs, imap

Wanderlust / Emacs - Filter - Format der Zeichenkette / seit: X # ofDays /% inbox - emacs, imap

Ich konnte die folgenden zwei Arbeitsbeispiele der Zeichenfolge finden /since:... Konfigurieren einiger Ordnerfilter in Wanderlust (.folders), aber ich kann nichts finden, um eine festgelegte Anzahl von Tagen zu definieren - z. /since:last-7-days/$inbox oder /from:2012-01-01-to-2012-12-31/%inbox.

Das Support-Team meines Website-Anbieters(liquidweb) hat keine Ahnung - anscheinend nutzen sie die Google-Suche auch in einer solchen Situation. Ich würde denken, dass es eine Möglichkeit geben muss, die Filter weiter zu definieren. Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar. Ich habe bei Google etwas für mu4e gefunden (nicht Wanderlust), die etwas ähnliches verwendet - es gibt mir keine Fehlermeldungen, aber in den gefilterten Ordnern erscheinen keine E-Mails: /date:today..now/... und /date:7d..now/....

Hier ist die Arbeitskonfiguration für Wanderlust:

/since:yesterday/%INBOX.Sent      "Sent -- since yesterday"

/since:2013-07-01/%INBOX.Sent     "Sent -- since 07-01-2013"

/flag:unread/%inbox               "INBOX -- unread"
%inbox                            "INBOX -- all"
%INBOX.Sent                       "Sent"
%INBOX.Junk                       "Junk"
%INBOX.Trash                      "Trash"
%INBOX.Drafts                     "Drafts"


0 für die Antwort № 1

Ich habe keine Ahnung, warum dies bei keiner meiner endlos erscheinenden Google-Suchanfragen früher auftauchte, aber es ist sicher Gold wert: http://www.gohome.org/wl/doc/wl_23.html

Filter Folder

A folder to access virtual folder which collects all messages that satisfy a condition.


`/" condition `/" target-folder

In the condition part, you can specify following.

Partial filter: `first:number", `last:number" first: number messages are picked from top of folder. last: number messages are picked from bottom of folder. Example:

/last:10/-fj.os.linux -> Latest 10 messages from -fj.os.linux are picked.
/first:20/%inbox      -> First 20 messages from %inbox are picked.

Date filter: `since:date", `before:date" since: only messages arrived since date are picked. before: only messages arrived before date are picked. You can specify following as date.

yesterday ->  a day before today.
lastweek  ->  same day of last week.
lastmonth ->  same day of last month.
lastyear  ->  same day of last year.
numberdaysago -> number days ago. (e.x. "3daysago")
day-month-year -> specify date directly (ex. 1-Nov-1998)


/since:3daysago/+inbox -> messages arrived since 3 days ago in +inbox
are picked.
/before:yesterday/+inbox -> messages arrived before yesterday in +inbox
are picked.

Field filter: `field:value" All messages that have field and its value is value are picked. field and value are case insensitive. Example:

/from:teranisi/+inbox -> In +inbox, messages which have From: field
and its value includes "teranisi" string are picked.
/body:foo/%inbox      -> In %inbox, messages which have "foo" text
are picked.

Compound condition If you combine conditions by character `|", it is considered as OR condition. `&" is considered as AND condition, likewise. Condition can be grouped by parentheses (`(", and `)"). `/tocc:xxxx/" is an abbreviation of `/to:xxxx|cc:xxxx/". `/!tocc:xxxx/" is an abbreviation of `/!to:xxxx&!cc:xxxx/". Example:

-> In +inbox, messages are picked if the message"s
From: field includes "teranisi" and
To: field doesn"t include "teranisi".

/tocc:"Yuuichi Teranishi"/+inbox
-> In +inbox, messages are picked if the
message"s To: field or Cc: field includes
"Yuuichi Teranishi".

-> In +inbox, messages are picked if the message"s
From: field includes "yt" or "teranisi", and
Subject includes "report".

Tip for string description:

Space character, `"", `/",`)",`|" and `&" should be enclosed with `"" in value string. (`"" should be escaped with `" in it). You can enclose the string with `"" even it does not contain these characters.

Advanced example:

-> Messages in %inbox or
message is in the %inbox@server folder and it"s From field
includes "teranisi" are collected.

-> Latest 100 messages which is in the +inbox or %inbox folder
and To: field matches "teranisi".

-> Pick messages which have From: field and it includes "hogehoge"
from latest 20 messages in the %#mh/inbox@localhost
and To: or Cc: field includes "teranisi".