/ / mysql wo nicht in der linken äußeren Verknüpfung - mysql, join, notin

mysql wo nicht in linker äußerer Verknüpfung - mysql, join, notin

Ich habe die folgende Anfrage und möchteKonvertieren Sie es in ein linkes Outer-Join anstelle eines Nicht-In, um zu sehen, ob es auf diese Weise schneller laufen würde. Es dauert derzeit etwa 40 Sekunden, bis diese Abfrage in unserer Datenbank ausgeführt wird. Ich bin nicht mit der Verwendung von äußeren Joins für diese Art von Dingen vertraut, um sie selbst zu konvertieren.

c.contact_id as contact_id,
c.orgid as organization_id,
c.first_name as first_name,
c.last_name as last_name,
a.address_state as state
from cnx_contact as c
inner join cnx_address as a on c.home_address_uid = a.address_uid
where a.address_state = "OH"
and (c.orgid = 45 or c.orgid = 55)
and c.contact_id NOT IN (
select pc.contact_id
from cnx_contact as c
inner join cnx_address as a on c.home_address_uid = a.address_uid
inner join cnx_contact_group_participant as gp on c.contact_id = gp.contact_id
inner join cnx_contact_participant_role as cr on gp.participant_role_uid = cr.participant_role_uid
inner join cnx_contact_group as cg on gp.group_uid = cg.group_uid
inner join cnx_contact_group_participant as pgp on cg.primary_participant_uid = pgp.participant_uid
inner join cnx_contact as pc on pgp.contact_id = pc.contact_id
where (c.orgid = 45 or c.orgid = 55)
and   cr.name = "Applicant"


0 für die Antwort № 1
from cnx_contact as c
inner join cnx_address as a on c.home_address_uid = a.address_uid

(Subquery goes here) x
ON x.contact _id = c.contact_id
where a.participant_state = "OH"
and c.orgid IN(45,55)
and x.contact_id IS NULL;