/ / 271.0 konnte nicht aufgelöst werden: Anforderungspaket [271.0] fehlt; (& (package = org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client) (version> = 2.7.0) (! (version> = 3.0.0))) - osgi, osgi-bundle, karaf

271.0 konnte nicht aufgelöst werden: fehlendes Anforderungspaket [271.0]; (& (package = org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client) (Version> = 2.7.0) (! (Version> = 3.0.0))) - osgi, osgi-bundle, karaf

Ich versuche mein Bundle zu installieren und erhalte folgende Fehlermeldung:

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle horizon-util [271]: Unable to resolve 271.0: missing requirement [271.0] package; (&(package
Bundle ID: 271

das sind meine Bündel:

karaf@root> osgi:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID   State         Blueprint      Spring    Level  Name
[  45] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec (1.0.1)
[  46] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Commons Collections (3.2.1)
[  47] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jasypt (
[  48] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] geronimo-jms_1.1_spec (1.1.1)
[  49] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Commons Pool (1.6.0)
[  50] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xpp3 (
[  51] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: dom4j-1.6.1 (
[  52] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Commons Lang (2.6)
[  53] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: oro-2.0.8 (
[  54] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Stax API 1.0 (1.9.0)
[  55] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xstream-1.3 (
[  56] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jdom (
[  57] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: velocity (
[  58] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache Aries Transaction Manager (0.3.0)
[  59] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] kahadb (5.7.0)
[  60] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-pool (5.7.0)
[  61] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-console (5.7.0)
[  62] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-ra (5.7.0)
[  63] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] activemq-core (5.7.0)
Fragments: 68
[  64] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] activemq-karaf (5.7.0)
[  65] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] Apache XBean :: OSGI Blueprint Namespace Handler (3.11.1)
[  66] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Commons JEXL (2.0.1)
[  67] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Scripting API 1.0 (1.9.0)
[  68] [Resolved   ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-blueprint (5.7.0)
Hosts: 63
[  69] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] activemq-broker.xml (0.0.0)
[  83] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Joda-Time (1.6.2)
[  84] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache XBean :: Spring (3.11.1)
[  85] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-spring (5.7.0)
[  99] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] camel-karaf-commands (2.10.7)
[ 100] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-core (2.10.7)
[ 102] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-spring (2.10.7)
[ 103] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] camel-blueprint (2.10.7)
[ 106] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-jms (2.10.7)
[ 107] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] activemq-camel (5.7.0)
[ 172] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Apache CXF Compatibility Bundle Jar (2.6.9)
[ 173] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   50] camel-cxf (2.10.7)
[ 174] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-cxf-transport (2.10.7)
[ 181] [Resolved   ] [            ] [       ] [   80] simple-camel-blueprint.xml (0.0.0)
[ 182] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-stream (2.10.7)
[ 188] [Installed  ] [            ] [       ] [   80] ERP-blueprint.xml (0.0.0)
[ 199] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-sql (2.10.7)
[ 204] [Installed  ] [            ] [       ] [   80] horizon-core (0.0.1)
[ 206] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Data mapper for Jackson JSON processor (1.9.10)
[ 207] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] Jackson JSON processor (1.9.10)
[ 208] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] camel-jackson (2.10.7)
[ 209] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   50] MongoDB Java Driver (2.11.2.RELEASE)
[ 259] [Installed  ] [            ] [       ] [   80] Spring Data MongoDB Support (1.3.3.RELEASE)
[ 269] [Installed  ] [            ] [       ] [   80] horizon-util (0.0.1)

Muss ich Apache CXF auf die Version 2.7.0 aktualisieren? Und wie mache ich das? Ich habe versucht, das Bundle zu aktualisieren, aber es hat nicht funktioniert.

Vielen Dank für jeden Hinweis


0 für die Antwort № 1

Ihre Horizont-util Bündel hängt von Bündel ab org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client mit einer Version größer als und gleich 2.7.0. Versuchen Sie daher, die entsprechende Version zu installieren, um den Fehler zu beheben.

0 für die Antwort № 2

In meinem Fall habe ich Apache CXF ohne installiertCamel, also gebe ich Ihnen die Schritte für dieses Szenario, aber vielleicht funktioniert es für Camel genauso. Um zuerst die aktuelle Version zu entfernen, müssen Sie das Repository entfernen:

--> gives you the list of repositories (in my case cxf-2.x.x)

feature:repo-remove cxf-2.x.x
--> removes the repository from Karaf

feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.cxf.karaf/apache-cxf/2.7.10/xml/features
--> Adds new version of CXF repository (in this case 2.7.0)

feature:install cxf-jaxrs
--> Installs the part of CXF you need (or cxf instead of cxf-jaxrs if we need all)

feature:list | grep cxf
--> shows a list of bundles related to CXF. [x] means that they are started

Ich hoffe, dies wird dir helfen.