/ / Veľkosť plátna facebook-c # -sdk - facebook-c # -sdk

Veľkosť stránky plátna facebook-c # -sdk - facebook-c # -sdk

Mohol by mi niekto povedať, ako zmeniť veľkosťfacebook iframe veľkosť plátna s novým v5 facebook-c # -sdk? Snažil som sa niekoľko riešení z Google však myslím, že nie som volanie správnej metódy FB alebo facebook c # sdk metódu.

Môj iframe je skrátený, aj keď zvyšok stránky načítava správne mimo facebook.

Nemôžem ísť ďalej, tento kód fungujelocalhost a s FB rolovacie lišty na, ale s FB rolovaciu lištu vypnutie plátno je vždy skrátené. Dokonca som sa pokúsil zakázať nastavenie rollup. Prosím pomôžte.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ddd.aspx.cs" Inherits="CN.Project.WebUI.ddd" %>

body {overflow: hidden;}

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>

<h3>My test header</h3>
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app.
Welcome this is a test of a really long page for a facebook app. (last)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Facebook;
using Facebook.Web;
using System.Configuration;

namespace CN.Project.WebUI {
public partial class ddd : System.Web.UI.Page {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterScripts(); }

public void RegisterScripts()
var settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("facebookSettings");
var current = settings as IFacebookApplication;

String csname = "FBInit";
Type cstype = this.GetType();
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
StringBuilder strCmd;
strCmd = new StringBuilder();
strCmd.Append("$(document).ready(function () { FB.init({ appId: "" + current.AppId + "", status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true }); });rn");
strCmd.Append("window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.Canvas.setAutoResize()};rn");
if (!cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered(cstype, csname))
cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, csname, strCmd.ToString(), true);



0 pre odpoveď č. 1

Nemyslím si, že zmena veľkosti plátna sa vzťahuje na facebook c # sdk.

Pravdepodobne by ste sa na to mali obrátiť FB.Canvas.setAutoResize