/ / Странни грешки в конзолата на Nuget Package Manager за свързване на PowerShell - визуално студио, powershell, visual-studio-2013, nuget

Странни грешки в Nuget Package Manager Console за свързвания PowerShell - визуално студио, powershell, visual-studio-2013, nuget

Вчера инсталирах последната версия наAzure SDK и Azure Powershell от уеб платформата за инсталиране. След това получавам следните съобщения в Console Manager Console, когато стартирам Visual Studio 2013 (Update 4).

The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(32) : Error in type "System.Xml.XmlNode": Exception: Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(44) : Error in type "System.Xml.XmlNodeList": Exception: Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(87) : Error in type "System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection": Exception: Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(353) : Error in type "System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry": Exception: Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(360) : Error in type "System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry": Exception: Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(372) : Error in type "System.IO.DirectoryInfo": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(399) : Error in type "System.IO.FileInfo": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(2977) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(2984) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(2991) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(2998) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(3005) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(3219) : Error in type "Microsoft.PowerShell.DeserializingTypeConverter": Type "Microsoft.PowerShell.DeserializingTypeConverter" should be a TypeConverter or an PSTypeConverter.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(3648) : Error in type "System.Management.Automation.ParameterSetMetadata": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:WINDOWSSysWOW64WindowsPowerShellv1.0types.ps1xml(3733) : Error in type "System.Management.Automation.FormatViewDefinition": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.

Използвам Windows 8.1 Pro, x64 и Visual Studio 2013 Update. Деинсталирането на Azure SDK или Azure Powershell не помогна. Преинсталирането на PowerShell не помогна. Поправянето на Visual Studio 2013 и Update 4 също не реши проблема. Така че аз не съм сигурен дали грешките са наистина причинени от Azure SDK / PowerShell актуализация, може би нещо друго е проблем.

Има някои съвети за stackoverflow за добавяне на линии за assemblyBindings към devenv.exe.config файлове на различни места. Това също не помогна.

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Изглежда, че е фиксиран с VS2015-RTM и VS2013 Update 5.